I'm Pom. I'm not good with social media, nor have I ever had a proper website (only some blogs when I was younger, but they lasted for a few days).
However, I've been yearning for a place to express myself and nerd out about things I like for quite some time now, so I figured I'd give this a try.

Under construction


Welcome to my little corner of the Internet!

I have been given total freedom—at least as much freedom as my coding skills allow me to have—so I shall take this opportunity to talk about language learning and my life, of course.

In the About me section, you'll find, well, stuff about me. Hobbies, interests, the media I like to consume and be consumed by, all that fun stuff.

In Journal you'll find hopefully regular updates to my life or random thoughts. Maybe I'll incorporate some pictures in the future as well.

Now onto the interesting things! In Learning Japanese I'll share one of my most precious hobbies! I am very passionate about language learning and specifically learning Japanese. I'll share my progress, resources, interesting findings, my methods, and many things.

And at last, the Webmastery stuff section is going to be mainly a collection of links to resources that I used or want to use in the future. I am no coding or designing pro, so every helping hand is appreciated!